Orange Palm Publications
432 pages
95 gray level illustrations
18 x 23 x 3,4 cm
(7 x 9 x 1 3/8 in)
1,08 kg
(2 lb 6 oz)
Holy Moly Hiccoughs and Enigmatic Knotty Eructations from the Boffola Belly of Bu'Tai
The Drôleries and Dictums of Crazy Modern Dzog-zen
Full of humour and hidden truths about life’s incessant surprises, this book appears to be the first, albeit mayhaps, a yet awkward attempt at the creation of an authentically occidental approach to koan lore. Nevertheless, it does offer a rather non-rational approach to life, and does present a paradoxical perspective to an altogether sometimes, too apparent reality. Intended for a general audience as well as Western Zen students, this book's main aim is the deconstruction of the narrow, thought-impregnated corridors engramatic corrugations of the mind... thereby enabling man to eventually demonstrated with a certain ease, his natural, universal Mind of Being.
An authentically occidental approach to koan lore.
A humorous approach to serious Zen.
Koans for the modern consciousness.